Starlight Arcade V1.7

Starlight Arcade V1.7

Starlight Arcade V1.7 is ready to go! I unfortunately was not able to get json save files going quite yet – it turns out those take quite some learning to get right – but I have added a slew of new enemies and hazards to take down. One of my favorites right now is what I am calling the Tesla Mine. You’ll know which one it is when you see it.

Outside of that, I’ve also added shields. So your ship can take some extra hits before actual damage is done. I have regenerating shields on the to do list. And new levels. And a story. There is a lot in the works. But the current bottleneck is getting a save file that can exist across the new versions I put out. I believe I have the gist of it down. I just need to put it in place.

Putting out V1.7 gave me some good information on PlayerPrefs, though. That is the function that I currently use to save high score data. You’ll notice that your high score in V1.7, or whatever version is currently out, is different from that in V1.6. That is because I upload completely new files for each version, and apparently a new instance of PlayerPrefs lives in each file. Rather than try to isolate it or update only the changes I have made, I think transferring all high score data, etc. to a json file will enable each version to access your specific game data and keep your scores up to date. Fingers crossed!

One last thing: from now on, these update posts are going to send you to the Starlight Arcade game page rather than V1.7, or the version in each post, itself. This is in case I delete any older versions in the future, so you won’t be linking to a dead file. This may only be until I decide to replace each version with a new game file of the same name. For now, I like tracking the versions separately. So click “Play” below and “Play” again on the following page and ENJOY!

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