About Us

Welcome to Lvl12Games, part of Lvl12Studios.

We have been playing games for as long as we can remember – from Doom, to Quake, to Unreal Tournament, all the way to Halo, CoD and Battlefield. While games are always fun to play, we have constantly had that itch to create our own; and this website is essentially our online journal of that endeavor. We have used some game development software in the past (Flash/Actionscript), but have ultimately landed on Unity as our game engine of choice. We are currently working on our first game, Starlight Arcade – a classic space shooter that uses as much random generation of enemies, power-ups and backgrounds as possible for a unique experience every round. We chose this type of game both because of our love for space and because it gives us an opportunity to get acquainted with as many aspects of Unity, Blender, Monodevelop and GIMP as possible, while enabling us to get a functioning game out there in a relatively short time frame. Take a look at the Starlight Arcade page to see how it is coming, or check out our blog for a chronological order of updates we have made to the game. Thanks for visiting!

-The Team at Lvl12Games